
公開講演会(千葉大学国際交流公募事業) “Reading Contemporary Japan through Classical Literature”-古典文学を通して現代日本を読む(6/12)

2017/05/29 (月)


場所:千葉大学西千葉キャンパス 人文社会科学総合研究棟2階マルチメディア会議室
 千葉市稲毛区弥生町1−33 (総武線各停「西千葉駅」より徒歩8分、京成「みどり台駅」より徒歩5分)

講演者: Gergana Ivanova氏(シンシナティ大学)


問い合わせ先:兼岡理恵(千葉大学文学部 准教授)


◆Gergana Ivanova氏のプロフィールは下記(シンシナティ大学HP)をご参照ください。
 Gergana Ivanova氏プロフィール詳細

Japan stands out for its wealth of literary works by accomplished women that emerged between the ninth and the eleventh century and continue to inform contemporary cultural production. Despite the seeming timelessness of these Heian-period texts, their assessments and the images of their authors have changed greatly over the centuries, eliciting severe criticism and receiving intense praise. Why do we continue to read literary works written over a thousand years ago? How are these texts used to produce gender ideology? What do they reveal about readers in the subsequent centuries? These are the questions I will address by examining how television and manga present The Pillow Book (Makura no sōshi, 11th c.) and its author Sei Shōnagon (964? – after 1027) in Japan today.

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